Meditation Guide (konspekt artykułów)


It's a friendly guide on meditation, focusing on various facets of this unique and life-changing practice. It is based mainly on My personal experience which I discuss in detail - in the hope of bringing deep insight in the matter.

The purpose of this guide is to make meditation practice as easy ("user-friendly", comprehensible, etc.) as possible - and in the same time to show You that meditation can take quite different forms, depending on the desired effects or circumstances which fit You most. There are also varied benefits You can derive from meditating.

With this guide You'll know (i.a.):

  • is it necessary not to think while meditating?
  • how to achieve deep relaxation state?
  • how to meditate in a bus (!), with all the people and noises around You?
  • what meditation can bring into Your life - from basic profits to more advanced benefits?

So let's begin the adventure and have fun! :) Download:


"I do it in order to be and feel more Myself".

"I'm going to tell You not all I know - but all I consider important and all that together would give You a complete big picture: all is needed to meditate, to begin meditating, and gain benefits from it".

"(...) habits can turn Your attention into 'sleep mode', or 'autopilot mode'. Or just being busy. And when You live that way, You may not have so many opportunities to listen to Yourself".

"(...) You will be able to reach Yourself in a completely new way. And to discover Yourself again, as a new land - with all the curiosity".

"Imagine Your life as the ocean. Imagine emotions You experience in this life - as waves. And then realize that You need - at least from time to time - to rest, to allow water to have a completely smooth surface".

"I personally like to know that I do something good to My body every time I meditate".

"You can discover a part of Yourself You weren't aware of before".

"(...) with the help of that attitude I can be deeply relaxed - and I can reach that level very quickly".

"(...) if it is possible for You (and anyone else) to observe Your Own thoughts - are they really Yours? Are they really originated in Your activity - if You didn't do anything but observing?"

"(...) when You hear some music via headphones - You don't say that You were producing that music. You just only listened. The same with the mind and its thoughts (...)".

"(...) it really doesn't have that need to breathe!"

"(...) stay open for the new, unexpected and interesting experience".

"(...) in the meditation context: You can use all its benefits as the fertile soil "to cultivate" Your desires".

"(...) thoughts can exist by themselves".

"Once You discover it - You will be able to do it any time and place".

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